Server Ban Appeal

Your ban appeal has been accepted and you are placed on a One-Strike Policy, this policy will last 28 Days / 4 Weeks. If you are found committing a violation of any kind during this time period your ban will be reinstated permanently.

- This is a rare chance you have been given and we ask you do not hurt our trust by granting this.
- Should you accept you will then be on a One Strike Policy for the time listed above.

Please reply in this thread that you accept this one-strike policy.

For any further questions, or inquiries, feel free contacting our Support Team.
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Ban Appeal

Due to the moderation history attached with your SA record i will be offering you a one strike policy agreement;

Your ban appeal has been accepted and you are placed on a One-Strike Policy, this policy will last 42 Days / 6 Weeks. If you are found committing a violation of any kind during this time period your ban will be reinstated permanently.

- This is a rare chance you have been given and we ask you do not hurt our trust by granting this.
- Should you accept you will then be on a One Strike Policy for the time listed above.

Please reply in this thread that you accept this one-strike policy.

For any further questions, or inquiries, feel free contacting our Support Team.
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I Was perm banned in ur game

Roblox Username:elbeex10
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127):
Your RP Name:I Dont remember

Ban Length: Answer this question using Perm Banned
Banning Staff Member (lmaxwell#0)

Ban Reason:
Answer this question using Glitch in FBI Building
Why I should be unbanned:#1 I Genuinly Did not know i was doing a glitch that would ban me permanently And I'm very sorry for what I've done and I Can Fix the mistakes that i have done

Time of Occurrence:
12:51:49 AM
Additional members involved/witnessing: 2 Of my friends were banned Aswell Since they Made me do it with them.

Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes
