ThisMighyBeAce Ban Appeal

**Please reply with "I accept / I do not accept**


Your ban appeal has been accepted and you are placed on a One-Strike Policy, this policy will last 10 Days / 1.5 Weeks. If you are found committing a violation of any kind during this time period your ban will be reinstated permanently.

- This is a rare chance you have been given and we ask you do not hurt our trust by granting this.
- Should you accept you will then be on a One Strike Policy for the time listed above.

Please reply in this thread that you accept this one-strike policy.

For any further questions, or inquiries, feel free contacting our Support Team.
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Roblox Username: ftbeanie
Discord ID: 708375223635935272
Your RP Name: Demetrius Brooks

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: forloopongdn

Discord Username of the player you're reporting:

Give us an Incident Description: Just sitting in my truck then he comes & shoots me.

What rules / offences did the player break: MIR&R § 106: Random Deathmatch (RDM)

How long do you think the player be punished for: Up to mod

Time of Occurrence: 1:50 PM CST 5/19/2024
Additional members involved/witnessing:

DataTqt Ban Appeal

Roblox Username: DataTqt
Discord ID: 659430429895426108
Your RP Name: Benjamin Alexander

Ban Length: Permantatly
Banning Staff Member: @Junius0007

Ban Reason:
Why I should be unbanned: Indeed this is my second ban appeal that is right, I needed to express my thoughts again after getting my first ban appeal declined and I simply need to say my side. I was just asking how you could make drugs in this game because there was a small update that made it possible to cook some stuff that was close to drugs and made you money in the game. I asked the staff how you made these drugs and he told me they removed it, I obviously did not know this but he told me at least and that is sufficient. I did not mean to get involved in any drugs roleplay or anything like that and i was NEVER near in any types of this activity.
After that he said he planned to give me a warning and I said I didnt mean to confuse REAL drugs with a game mechanic in Perris and yet rather doing that cash strategy that was as of late eliminated. I shouldn't say that the moderator was confused, but I believe he was because I know you all are American and understand English better than I do. I ought to have the option to play the game once you all can re moderate this and choose if the choice to unban me is right and i was just a person requesting help to earn cash and that got be moderated somehow. If this gets declined and will mostly unless this becomes something you guys want to decide with, because I don't have much power in expressing myself.

Time of Occurrence: 5/18/2024
Additional members involved/witnessing: I don't remember or know so I will say no.

Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: Y


roblox Username: Rawolia
Discord Tag Rawoli (id 481778953468641291)
Your RP Name: Park Chae-young

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Cartoful_Pedala
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Give us an Incident Description: 1st part was driving then crashed into me while going 100mph 2nd part was in a 10-80 he crashed then left

What rules / offences did the player break: nitrp/ltaa gta-d
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Staff reviews

Staff Member: @24_7Bot3
Review Rating: /10
Review Notes: amazing staff, helpful when needed, fast at responding to !help.

Staff Member: @devvy
Review Rating: 10/10
Review Notes: amazing staff, helpful when needed, fast at responding to !help. fast at doing player reports

Staff Member: @NoahPolice
Review Rating: 10/10
Review Notes: amazing staff, helpful when needed, fast at responding to !help.

Staff Member: @Lucid
Review Rating: 10/10
Review Notes: amazing staff, helpful when needed, fast at responding to !help.

Staff Member: @piniatasoldier
Review Rating: 10/10
Review Notes: amazing staff, helpful when needed, fast at responding to !help.
Staff Member: 24_7Bot3
Review Rating: 10/10*
Upvote 0

NuclearRadius ban appeal

Roblox Username: NuclearRadius
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 969973232021172314
Your RP Name: (Unable to remember as I am trying to appeal a ban from a couple of months ago)

Ban Length: Permanently
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):

Ban Reason: Answer this question using NITRP
Why I should be unbanned: I think I should be unbanned because I think my ban was unjust. The situation was I was being pulled over for no reason, and guns were drawn at me, I was told to get out and show my hands but only given a few seconds to do so and or roleplay. The moderator then proceeded to jail me and told me to roleplay, however I was trying to but didn't get the chance. The moderator then told me "To go back to ERLC" and I was then banned permanently.

Time of Occurrence:
2024-03-12 23:36:47
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A

Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: Y

Tyl3r Ban Appeal

Roblox Username: TheAnounymousTyler
Discord ID: 496973655407067137
Your RP Name: Dallas Cooper

Ban Length: Permanently Ban
Banning Staff Member: 24_7bot3#0

Ban Reason: V-TOS
Why I should be unbanned: First of all, kudos to that guy for doing his job competently and uh I'm overwhelmed that it's a permanent ban. I'm genuinely goofing around during that peace time and I'm legitimately not doing that like an addiction in every game session. And apologies to the staff and people that saw my unmannerly action, wouldn't do that again and never will.

Time of Occurrence: 5/19/2024, 7:38 PM (GMT+8)
Additional members involved/witnessing: didn't get their names but there was definitely some witnesses during the staff situation.

Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: Y

Discord Ban Appeal


Hi AuxiliaryAtlas,

After reviewing your appeal and the circumstances surrounding your ban, we have decided to lift the ban and welcome you back to the community.

Roblox Username: AuxiliaryAtlas
Discord ID: 405507424427048960
RP Name: Corbin Alvarez
Ban Length: Permanent (now lifted)
Banning Staff Member: Unknown
Ban Reason: Not provided

We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this situation may have caused. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with our community guidelines to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience moving forward.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Welcome back!

Best regards,
(Mountain Interactive Administrator)

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Discord Ban: Unknown Reason w/o My Knowledge of What Happened

Username: proboyatps4
ID for Discord: 1076182880927100939
The Reason: Unknown
What Happend: I was in the Discord server when I went into the main chat and said something about a sleeping bag. I went into general scrolling then a couple of minutes later, I was banned without knowledge of what I did. I wasn't DM'd, told what was going to happen, nothing. Just banned for saying something about a sleeping bag. If it were for trolling or spamming, I am sorry. I have not known what I've done and if I did do this "thing" in order to be banned, I am deeply sorry.

Proof of Ban: None, pictures not uploading. #banappeal
