Ban Appeal Declined

Appeal Declined

Follow the format below and I would be happy to assist you:

Roblox Username:
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): 
Your RP Name:

Ban Length: Answer this question using
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Answer this question using

Ban Reason: Answer this question using
Why I should be unbanned:

Time of Occurrence: Answer this question using
Additional members involved/witnessing:  



Mountain Interactive


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APPEAL for False claim of RDM/FRP

Uncertainty Of Appeal

This is a late response and I know that your ban has expired since then, however I do not see the RDM factor of this, but I do see the FRP factor. 

Roleplay was initiated between you and the driver and the other passengers, so this wouldn't be RDM if you shot them, with LFA obviously.

However, it is debatable if it was lawful for you to shoot the driver as they were not an immediate threat in that moment. It would have been appropriate to shoot them if they had hit your person with their vehicle, drew a weapon, or posed an immediate danger to the surrounding civilians, however there was no one nearby and their vehicle was stationary.

I suggest that you open a ticket here and explain that Joanna directed you there to get another moderator's opinion on the ban and provide them with both of the videos.



Mountain Interactive


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Ban Appeal Accepted

Changed my mind and appeal is accepted

After reviewing the video properly which I did not do before, I've determined that you were frustrated with the other person spamming the radio and who was inside of your vehicle.

I believe they reported you to be petty from them provoking you.

You will be unbanned. The prior moderation interaction was reviewed poorly, but it is not anyone's fault, just a simple misunderstanding. 



Mountain Interactive


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Good Afternoon, your report has been accepted. The abovementioned players have been punished according to our administrative rules and guidelines. For more information, please see the #moderation channel in our Discord server. If you run into any more problems, please fill out another player report. Thank you for your time!


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