JamesonReagan's Whitelist Application


New member
Apr 15, 2023
Make post title: Username's Whitelist Application

Date of Application: [03/31/2024] *
Member Identification Number: [4480] *

Mountain Interactive Username: [JamesonReagan]
Discord Username: [Wxars]
Roblox Username: [JamesonReagan]
Country / Timezone: Canada PST]

Do you have a microphone? (Choose by adding a *)
[*] Yes
[ ] No

Are you at least 14 Years Old? (Choose by adding a *)
[*] Yes [ ] No


Why are you interested in joining Mountain Interactive's Official Whitelist Community?

As a dedicated member, I'm constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance the quality of life of the game. Joining Mountain Interactive's Official Whitelist Community aligns perfectly with my goals of joining a realistic roleplay group. I think the decision to whitelist certain jobs is the correct step forward and I am all for it.
I'm also eager to contribute to the discourse within the community, sharing my expertise in policing and providing feedback on how Mountain Interactive's new system.

What experience and roleplay do you want to bring over to our whitelisted experience?

My experiences with policing, spans throughout many years, groups such as Ensford, and New Haven County/Ridegway is where I spent most time policing and roleplaying.
I believe my skills and knowledge will be particularly beneficial as I focus deeply on community engagement and as policing cannot be done without it's residents.

You're in a roleplay situation on a traffic stop where you have been pulled over, explain
how you would react in a roleplay setting?

My reaction in a roleplay situation on a traffic stop would prioritize respect, cooperation, and compliance with the rules of the game. By demonstrating courtesy and understanding towards the officer, I aim to contribute to a positive and realistic roleplay experience for all involved.

When asked for my license, registration, and insurance, I would reach for them slowly and deliberately, and would hand over the documents as requested.

If the officer informs me of the reason for the traffic stop, such as speeding or a broken tail light, I would acknowledge their explanation and take responsibility if applicable. I would refrain from making excuses or arguing, as this could escalate the situation unnecessarily.

If asked to step out of the vehicle for further discussion or inspection, I would comply calmly and follow the officer's instructions without resistance. Throughout the interaction, I would maintain a cooperative attitude and remain respectful towards the officer, recognizing their role in ensuring public safety.

You are a gun store owner and you have a customer, how would you handle this transaction in a roleplay setting?
Greeting and Identification:
As the customer enters the store, I would greet them warmly and ask if they need any assistance. I would also verify their identification to ensure they meet the legal requirements for purchasing a firearm in our jurisdiction.

Before proceeding with the transaction, I would provide the customer with essential safety information, including proper handling, storage, and usage of firearms. I would emphasize the importance of following safety protocols at all times and offer to demonstrate safe handling techniques if needed.
Based on the customer's preferences and needs, I would showcase a range of firearms that align with their requirements. I would explain the features, specifications, and differences between various models to help them make an informed decision. I would ensure that the customer completes all necessary paperwork and background checks as required by law.

For instance, you are at a party with your friends at someone's house. Someone in the house pulls a gun. What would you do? (Please explain in heavy detail including your actions, calling 911, and further details)
In such a scenario,

My priority would be ensuring the safety of myself, my friends, and anyone else present at the party.
As soon as I notice someone pulling out a gun at the party, I would immediately assess the situation to understand the level of threat and whether the person with the gun is acting recklessly or with malicious intent. It's crucial to stay calm and composed in such a high-stress situation. Panicking or escalating the tension could exacerbate the danger and put everyone at greater risk. If possible, I would discreetly move myself and my friends to a safe area away from the individual with the gun. This might involve calmly guiding them towards an exit or finding a secure room where we can take shelter. While maintaining a calm demeanor, I would quietly alert other partygoers to the presence of the gun and advise them to also move to safety. It's essential to communicate without causing panic or drawing attention to ourselves. Once in a safe location, I would immediately call 911 to report the situation to the authorities. I would provide as much information as possible, including the address of the party, a description of the individual with the gun, and any other pertinent details that could assist law enforcement in responding effectively.

What is realistic roleplay grammar and how does it work?
I think realistic roleplay grammar depends on the scenario and situation. I think a law abiding citizen who is not in any danger should show respect and punctuation when speaking, when in the case that there is an active event and the player must get information out quickly, he can refrain from using grammar.

This is also true with, individuals who are roleplaying characters that are in medical distress and cannot for proper sentences.


You are in a traffic stop and you have 5 cops with guns pointed at you forcing you to get out of your vehicle, what choices would be (WRONG) Fail Roleplay / Against the rules? (Choose by adding a *)

[ ] Option A: I'd put my hands up, step out of the vehicle, and hit the ground.
[*] Option B: Drive away and tell them they are failing roleplaying!
[*] Option C: Pull out an AK-47 and shoot everyone I see.
[ ] Option D: I'd resist the officer and dart down the alleyway.

You're being chased by the cops and your vehicle hits a wall, what are the CORRECT actions?
(Choose by adding a *)

[*] Option A: *Vehicle Hits Wall* / Roleplays Injuries to body / Goes to the hospital to get checked out / Gets Booked into Jail.
[ ] Option B: *Vehicle Hits Wall* / Continues driving as if nothing happened.
[*] Option C: *Vehicle Hits Wall* / *Vehicle Catches Fire* / *Crawls out* / *Cops Detain you* / *EMS is called etc.*
[ ] Option D: *Vehicle Hits Wall* / *Hard Crash w/ Fire and Smoke* / *Jumps out of car* / *Pulls out AK-47 and shoots everyone*

Do you understand that our whitelisted section is for players who want a realistic experience?
(Choose by adding a *)

[*] I Acknowledge and Understand these terms.
[ ] I Do Not Acknowledge and wish to opt out of these terms.

Do you understand that you must have a microphone, use correct grammar and roleplay into the character that you create?

(Choose by adding a *)

[*] I Acknowledge and Understand these terms.
[ ] I Do Not Acknowledge and wish to opt out of these terms.

Do you understand that moderation penalties carry over to all our games and understand to abide by our Terms & Conditions and to abide by our Game Rules for our whitelisted community?

(Choose by adding a *)

[*] I Acknowledge and Understand these terms.
[ ] I Do Not Acknowledge and wish to opt out of these terms.