
  1. S

    Roblox Username: Slotr8Discord ID: 925401613777121371 Your RP Name: Bishop DavisBan Length: Permanently Banning Staff Member: @DeSantisReality V-T

    Hello, this is my new appeal. I've thought long and hard and have read the rules of the server and game rules multiple times and have found what I have been doing wrong. I do accept the fact that I had done something horribly wrong and against the rules, which I will attempt to not break again...
  2. FaniRaphaell2000

    Staff Report

    Roblox Username: FaniRaphaell2000 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 1207676058778865675 REPORTING CONTENTS: Staff Username: joshberret Discord Username or ID: joshberret Description Of the Incident: My friend was getting arrested and I threatened the cops at the scene, saying something...
  3. dababy19341

    Staff Report

    Roblox Username: dababy19341 Discord ID: 1149869845513506886 REPORTING CONTENTS: Staff Username: NumberlessInvincible Discord Username or ID: NumberlessInvincible Description Of the Incident: I was patrolling as RPD when i heard very loud honking so i go and check what happened and it was...
  4. Dxvxds


    Roblox Username: Dxvxds Discord ID: 896842348099686431 Your RP Name: David Foster Roblox Username of the player you're reporting:Trucksloco Discord Username of the player you're reporting: *cant find* Give us an Incident Description: Left to avoid arrest Twice forgot to clip 2nd time. He left...