What game did the ban take place in? perris California
ban reason: i said racist word to a another guy i didnt think it would hurt his feelings i m sorry that i said it i m not going to say it again. i didnt meant to give him bad time it was bad joke i m sorry
why i should be unbanned: i really like playing perris i got good time in there whit others. it has been fun to play there i wanna keep playing it and make fun time whit others again
Appealing Roblox Username: Kurkkumajoneesi34
Appealing Discord ID:1240288859430977660
Ban Length: Perm
Moderating Staff Member: night_ghost141
What game did the ban take place in? perris California
ban reason: i said racist word to a another guy i didnt think it would hurt his feelings i m sorry that i said it i m not going to say it again. i didnt meant to give him bad time it was bad joke i m sorry
why i should be unbanned: i really like playing perris i got good time in there whit others. it has been fun to play there i wanna keep playing it and make fun time whit others again