Ban Reason: Answer (Attach screenshot of your ban message / use imgur) THIS REPORT OF ME THIS WAS MADE BEFORE MY OSP. Why I Should Be Unbanned: Answer (Explain why you believe the ban should be lifted.) Look I am very sorry I did this please just give me another chance
The reason for my ban was for TA Now i was in Perris California roleplaying as a FBI Agent and had parked my car on a red zone but had my lights on then a tow truck worker then came to my car trying to tow it and I pulled out my badge saying stop this a order from a federal agent I then show him that my lights are on and he still proceeds so i tase him and arrest him for not listening to a lawful order. In the state of California you can not tow an emergency responder’s car with their lights on especially if they are a federal agent telling you order’s. So I put him in cuffs and tell a sheriff to transport him for denying a lawful order. Then 3 day’s later I get banned. I even searched it up“ If you deny an order from a federal agent, you could face potential legal consequences, including being arrested, cited for obstruction of justice, or even charged with a more serious crime if your refusal is deemed to be actively hindering an investigation or posing a threat to safety ”
And the towing part where I had my lights on I searched it up it also said this “No, you cannot tow a government-owned emergency vehicle in California”
So I feel like this is unfair PLUS THE REPORT OF THIS WAS MADE BEFORE MY OSP. And clearly the evidence that i searched up proves that I had the right to arrest the person trying to tow my car in a red zone even though I had my lights on and if you think well the red zone might mean something here’s another thing I searched up “No, an emergency responder car with its lights on should not be towed even if it is parked in a red zone”
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.) Voucher’s: @sp_yridon he’s a in game moderator
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: Answer. NotDev_Btw
Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 870459804223688755
Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) PERMA
Moderating Staff Member: Answer. (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) I don’t know
What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. Perris
Ban Reason: Answer (Attach screenshot of your ban message / use imgur) THIS REPORT OF ME THIS WAS MADE BEFORE MY OSP.
Why I Should Be Unbanned: Answer (Explain why you believe the ban should be lifted.) Look I am very sorry I did this please just give me another chance
The reason for my ban was for TA Now i was in Perris California roleplaying as a FBI Agent and had parked my car on a red zone but had my lights on then a tow truck worker then came to my car trying to tow it and I pulled out my badge saying stop this a order from a federal agent I then show him that my lights are on and he still proceeds so i tase him and arrest him for not listening to a lawful order. In the state of California you can not tow an emergency responder’s car with their lights on especially if they are a federal agent telling you order’s. So I put him in cuffs and tell a sheriff to transport him for denying a lawful order. Then 3 day’s later I get banned. I even searched it up “ If you deny an order from a federal agent, you could face potential legal consequences, including being arrested, cited for obstruction of justice, or even charged with a more serious crime if your refusal is deemed to be actively hindering an investigation or posing a threat to safety ”
And the towing part where I had my lights on I searched it up it also said this “No, you cannot tow a government-owned emergency vehicle in California”
So I feel like this is unfair PLUS THE REPORT OF THIS WAS MADE BEFORE MY OSP. And clearly the evidence that i searched up proves that I had the right to arrest the person trying to tow my car in a red zone even though I had my lights on and if you think well the red zone might mean something here’s another thing I searched up “No, an emergency responder car with its lights on should not be towed even if it is parked in a red zone”
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.) Voucher’s: @sp_yridon he’s a in game moderator
Edited by Notdev_btw