Ban Length: 1 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds Moderating Staff Member: magicman8482#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Ban Reason: Why I Should Be Unbanned: I got banned for a false reason, it says rdm when the person who reported me had stolen a car and fled and he had a BOLO on him. Also when he says other people that i “rdmed” the only other car i was shooting at was my 2020 Dodge Charger that was stolen in the process of trying to capture/arrest the stolen bolo car. This is why that i flee that i should be unbanned, Also i would like to have the banning staff member removed from the Administration as they did not even listen to my part of the story and completely ignoring the part where i say that they had stolen the car and that they had a BOLO out on them. Also if you watch the clip attached you can clearly see that the suspect was fleeing and that the suspect had a bolo also why is the quality so low and why is there no sound, this questions the creditability of the video since medal always records sound which makes it appear edited, why is it edited is there something that is missing that the reporting player wanted to hide?
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: MrGuns001
Appealing Discord ID: 1005227186871095388
Ban Length: 1 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds
Moderating Staff Member: magicman8482#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Ban Reason:
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I got banned for a false reason, it says rdm when the person who reported me had stolen a car and fled and he had a BOLO on him. Also when he says other people that i “rdmed” the only other car i was shooting at was my 2020 Dodge Charger that was stolen in the process of trying to capture/arrest the stolen bolo car. This is why that i flee that i should be unbanned, Also i would like to have the banning staff member removed from the Administration as they did not even listen to my part of the story and completely ignoring the part where i say that they had stolen the car and that they had a BOLO out on them. Also if you watch the clip attached you can clearly see that the suspect was fleeing and that the suspect had a bolo also why is the quality so low and why is there no sound, this questions the creditability of the video since medal always records sound which makes it appear edited, why is it edited is there something that is missing that the reporting player wanted to hide?
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Reporting players video
Edited by MrGuns001
Found more evidence to refine my appeal.