Ban Length: 2 Days Moderating Staff Member: qauzker#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris.
Ban Reason: FRP ( Why I Should Be Unbanned: I was responding to a call for a stolen RPD slicktop Charger. The person later almost got a AR out of the charger AR rack. In which me and my deputies responded with taking fire. I had no idea that the windshield was NOT bulletproff on the slicktop charger. In the auditional things after I was jailed after reporting the guy who tried to steal my car after he dies 1 time after I killed him in the charger and came back to steal my car. After I shot him the 2nd time he AGAIN came back went a little distance then came back and tried to steal it again. And even then after I gave proof to Miter qauzker he said ‘‘The person in the charger is a completely different person he is black’’, I did not understand how it wasn’t the same guy. Same sunglasses on forehead ,same hair, same face and same shirt. I feel like I was treated like an animal who was only doing good. And I got a 2 day ban for FRP?????? last time i got in trouble was 3-4 months ago. I have not been doing anything stupid or dumb, and for some unknown reason I got a 2 day ban. I wish to also have my history wiped in this case, I wish to have a fresh start to my journey.
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: iKotBall
Appealing Discord ID: 815871651320823808
Ban Length: 2 Days
Moderating Staff Member: qauzker#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris.
Ban Reason: FRP (
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I was responding to a call for a stolen RPD slicktop Charger. The person later almost got a AR out of the charger AR rack. In which me and my deputies responded with taking fire. I had no idea that the windshield was NOT bulletproff on the slicktop charger. In the auditional things after I was jailed after reporting the guy who tried to steal my car after he dies 1 time after I killed him in the charger and came back to steal my car. After I shot him the 2nd time he AGAIN came back went a little distance then came back and tried to steal it again. And even then after I gave proof to Miter qauzker he said ‘‘The person in the charger is a completely different person he is black’’, I did not understand how it wasn’t the same guy. Same sunglasses on forehead ,same hair, same face and same shirt. I feel like I was treated like an animal who was only doing good. And I got a 2 day ban for FRP?????? last time i got in trouble was 3-4 months ago. I have not been doing anything stupid or dumb, and for some unknown reason I got a 2 day ban. I wish to also have my history wiped in this case, I wish to have a fresh start to my journey.
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