ppealing Roblox Username: CarlosGaing Appealing Discord ID 1283833114816155679
Ban Length: 1 Day Moderating Staff Member: What game did the ban take place in?: California Perris
Ban Reason: Answer: FRP I towed illegaly.
Why you should be unbanned?: To grovel and ask for mercy after being recently banned from towing an unsafely parked car I realize now that what I did was wrong and am deeply regretful of my actions. I had no idea how serious my mistake was or how it could ruin the experience for others on the server at that moment in time.
I was super excited to join a fun and engaged community when I first entered the server. I liked getting to roleplay and meet other players. Nevertheless, I made a terrible decision that cost me to tow a vehicle outside the legality. I was not considering the repercussions it could have on the other person, nor that I was breaking a server rule. I should have known better and I take complete responsibility for that.
I reflected on how I'd acted and read through the server rules again after the ban. I understood that I must honor the organization and standards which make this server so awesome for all people. I also researched proper towing procedures and found out what I should have done. I realized that not only were my actions against the rules, but also detrimental to people seeking a good roleplay experience.
I swear that if I ever get a second chance I will take more precaution and respect from now on. I will follow every rule as well as think of the consequences to others that my actions might create. I would also ensure if I do not know anything, I will dive into the sea of questions rather than act and think later. I hope to illustrate I have learned my lesson and that I am a committed positive member of society & again, apologies and thank you.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer N'\A
ppealing Roblox Username: CarlosGaing

Appealing Discord ID 1283833114816155679
Ban Length: 1 Day
Moderating Staff Member:
What game did the ban take place in?: California Perris
Ban Reason: Answer: FRP I towed illegaly.
Why you should be unbanned?: To grovel and ask for mercy after being recently banned from towing an unsafely parked car I realize now that what I did was wrong and am deeply regretful of my actions. I had no idea how serious my mistake was or how it could ruin the experience for others on the server at that moment in time.
I was super excited to join a fun and engaged community when I first entered the server. I liked getting to roleplay and meet other players. Nevertheless, I made a terrible decision that cost me to tow a vehicle outside the legality. I was not considering the repercussions it could have on the other person, nor that I was breaking a server rule. I should have known better and I take complete responsibility for that.
I reflected on how I'd acted and read through the server rules again after the ban. I understood that I must honor the organization and standards which make this server so awesome for all people. I also researched proper towing procedures and found out what I should have done. I realized that not only were my actions against the rules, but also detrimental to people seeking a good roleplay experience.
I swear that if I ever get a second chance I will take more precaution and respect from now on. I will follow every rule as well as think of the consequences to others that my actions might create. I would also ensure if I do not know anything, I will dive into the sea of questions rather than act and think later. I hope to illustrate I have learned my lesson and that I am a committed positive member of society & again, apologies and thank you.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer N'\A
Edited by CarlosGaing