Why I Should Be Unbanned: I have absolutely no clue how I was banned. With no proof, I was "glitching" the controls to drive from a different seat? If you look in the first clip, you can clearly see I stop the car, then get out from the driver's seat, then I clearly move to the back right seat, behind my friend. (my friend then jumped into the driver's seat, did normal traffic stop stuff, then went back into the passenger seat.) Then, you can clearly see I moved from the back right seat into the driver's seat, where I then drive off. That's when I was jailed and banned. I should be unbanned as it is clearly not glitching. Thank you for reading this.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: ByCubes (my friend)
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: PikachuDetective100
Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 981453920079593514
Ban Length: Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: r0768#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Ban Reason: https://discord.com/channels/902369439545180180/1083897458591014912/1302626918197366784 Glitching
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I have absolutely no clue how I was banned. With no proof, I was "glitching" the controls to drive from a different seat? If you look in the first clip, you can clearly see I stop the car, then get out from the driver's seat, then I clearly move to the back right seat, behind my friend. (my friend then jumped into the driver's seat, did normal traffic stop stuff, then went back into the passenger seat.) Then, you can clearly see I moved from the back right seat into the driver's seat, where I then drive off. That's when I was jailed and banned. I should be unbanned as it is clearly not glitching. Thank you for reading this.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: ByCubes (my friend)