Posted Tuesday at 03:00 PM5 days Staff Username : wesamDiscord Username or ID : 643849687807557642Description of Incident : Investgting drama for no reason, Insuburduction.Committed Offenses: Insubordination, Drama for no reason.Time of Occurrence: 9:58AM EST.Attach a video/picture : DM ME FOR PROOF. (water3.4)
Tuesday at 05:53 PM5 days STAFF REPORT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTDear @BrianIsUg101 Thank you for sending us your Staff Report. Here at Mountain Interactive, we really value your opinion and want to make sure everyone has a great experience in our community. We have successfully received your Staff report, and we will take care of it as carefully as possible. Please know that we take this seriously and will do our best to handle it fairly.If you have any questions, extra details to point out, or want an update on your open case, feel free to reach out to me anytime. We’re here to help and support you!Have a great day/night ahead,ohcsarProbationary Internal Affairs Member Volunteer Mountain Interactive Staff Team
Thursday at 04:52 PM3 days Staff Report ConclusionDear @BrianIsUg101 In this case we are pleased to inform you that your Staff Report has been resolved accordingly. We would like to thank and you for bringing this report to our attention, it has been addressed by our Internal Affairs department. We really value everyone's report as we would like to enhance everyone's experience in our community.If you have any questions or need further clarification about your report, don’t hesitate to contact me directly.Thank you once again for your support and commitment to our community!Have a great day/night ahead,ohcsarProbationary Internal Affairs MemberVolunteer Mountain Interactive Staff Team