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My Ban Appeal

Appealing Roblox Username: NYPD864341
Appealing Discord ID : 1162122779768930415

Ban Length: 1 Day
Moderating Staff Member: GDP_OnlineKing123
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris

Ban Reason: : image.thumb.png.d91a7fe7118b6b5290a7100a40d454f9.png

Why I Should Be Unbanned:

  • I should be Unbanned mainly because someone else during the Admin Scene did the exact same things as me and he got off with a warning.

  • I also should be Unbanned as I was Joking with the person by pretending to be an 1980s Cop, which he took seriously,

  • Also because I now know that taking your Baton out for no reason is considered T.A

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)

Kindest Regards ;



The Simpsons Animation GIF by AniDom

Featured Replies

It seems your ban has now expired and has been lifted as you’ve served the duration of the ban.

If you’re still banned for whatever reason don’t hesitate to reach out to me, ping me in the discord and I’ll look into it again.

Merry christmas!


webs, Voluntary Administrator

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