This is in response to my other appeal ( that got rejected due to the ban being deemed valid. The whole idea behind the gang roleplay was inspired by your other game, Los Angeles. It's a little confusing for me as a player to know what FRP or RSI means when your games have different definitions behind them. I thought gang roleplay was allowed but have learned from my mistake. If you were to unban me I promise you I would not carry over my LA roleplay strategies over to perris. I understand your reasoning behind the ban and am wishing for your mercy.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: asdfds633
Appealing Discord ID: 1133728591365034034
Ban Length: Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: discord @ fedrunsyou
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Ban Reason:
Why I Should Be Unbanned:
This is in response to my other appeal ( that got rejected due to the ban being deemed valid. The whole idea behind the gang roleplay was inspired by your other game, Los Angeles. It's a little confusing for me as a player to know what FRP or RSI means when your games have different definitions behind them. I thought gang roleplay was allowed but have learned from my mistake. If you were to unban me I promise you I would not carry over my LA roleplay strategies over to perris. I understand your reasoning behind the ban and am wishing for your mercy.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)