Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: landongoat What game did the ban take place in?: LA
Ban Reason: RDM + V-OSP Why I Should Be Unbanned: The ban wasn’t RDM. The whole reason I shot him is because he was calling 911 on me and my friends after we aimed guns at him and told him to get out of our store. It started with him walking into the Dominoes, and then we aimed guns at him and told him to get out of the Dominoes, as we were going to do a hostage roleplay scene. He did end up walking out after we aimed guns at him, but he stopped in the parking lot and pulled his phone out. The only reason I’ve ever seen someone pull their phone out is to call 911, and given I assumed that’s what he was doing, I shot him so we didn’t get the cops called on us. Me and the other people (who were all together) talked about it for like a minute, and agreed that he was calling 911 so me shooting him was good. Afterwards, the dude who I shot decided to call a moderator in-game, but also make a report on the website. The moderator in-game reviewed the clip that he sent (not knowing there was a website report against me as well), and I explained my point of view and why I shot him. The moderator ended up concluding that it wasn’t RDM, but encouraged me to try and roleplay with people a bit longer before just shooting them. I agreed to what he said, and as he unjailed me to teleport me back to the city (teleported away originally because of the sirens and stuff), I got hit with a ban message. I already got a verbal warning, and then instantly got banned because the dude decided to report me on every platform possible.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: @54AT1C, noobyieeeee
Please ensure you havethoroughly readand understoodthe ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal. It is important to follow these guidelines closely to ensure your appeal is considered. Additionally, refrain from sending direct messages or harassing staff members about the status or outcome of your appeal. Patience and adherence to the rules are crucial in this process.
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: ZIZYBOB0720
Appealing Discord ID: 672946757168005160
Ban Length: Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: landongoat
What game did the ban take place in?: LA
Ban Reason: RDM + V-OSP
Why I Should Be Unbanned: The ban wasn’t RDM. The whole reason I shot him is because he was calling 911 on me and my friends after we aimed guns at him and told him to get out of our store. It started with him walking into the Dominoes, and then we aimed guns at him and told him to get out of the Dominoes, as we were going to do a hostage roleplay scene. He did end up walking out after we aimed guns at him, but he stopped in the parking lot and pulled his phone out. The only reason I’ve ever seen someone pull their phone out is to call 911, and given I assumed that’s what he was doing, I shot him so we didn’t get the cops called on us. Me and the other people (who were all together) talked about it for like a minute, and agreed that he was calling 911 so me shooting him was good. Afterwards, the dude who I shot decided to call a moderator in-game, but also make a report on the website. The moderator in-game reviewed the clip that he sent (not knowing there was a website report against me as well), and I explained my point of view and why I shot him. The moderator ended up concluding that it wasn’t RDM, but encouraged me to try and roleplay with people a bit longer before just shooting them. I agreed to what he said, and as he unjailed me to teleport me back to the city (teleported away originally because of the sirens and stuff), I got hit with a ban message. I already got a verbal warning, and then instantly got banned because the dude decided to report me on every platform possible.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: @54AT1C, noobyieeeee
Please ensure you have thoroughly read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal. It is important to follow these guidelines closely to ensure your appeal is considered. Additionally, refrain from sending direct messages or harassing staff members about the status or outcome of your appeal. Patience and adherence to the rules are crucial in this process.