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My Ban Appeal

Appealing Roblox Username: kta_newbornchild
Appealing Discord ID : 716893943698292788

Ban Length: Permanent.
Moderating Staff Member: Answer. knoi.ca#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Los angeles

Ban Reason: image.png
Why I Should Be Unbanned: First of all i want to send the clip that got me banned, https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jepAcfzIMknyE1lbs/Rdc9eoIr8oU4?invite=cr-MSwxZlIsMjY1NjkxMTc3LA How does this violate the one strike policy, i was minding my own business and a random got in our car and then i told him to go away and he proceed’s to shoot me, how is this a permaban for me??

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@davit14 Hi, just to clarify, were you the one in the vehicle or the one in the gray sweater?


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I was the one with the black dreads and black avatar, no i was not the one in the grey sweater im the one who reported the grey sweater man

Dear @davit14 ,

I wanted to apologise for banning the wrong person, I apologize for that and I have unbanned you right after your friend said that in my Dms.

The person that you reported is now banned.

If you got any other Questions, Come to my Dms. User: knoi.ca
Best Regards Aimer_BtwFann.

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