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InspiringNorthern’s Ban Appeal

Appealing Roblox Username: LilGMoney007
Appealing Discord ID: 1003753564717453475

Ban Length: Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: Automatic?
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris/Discord

Ban Reason: (Image below) Bloxlink Alternate Account
Why I Should Be Unbanned: Honestly, I am so confused as to what a “Bloxlink Alt” is, and since I was banned from the discord from my previous appeal I attempted to contact the moderator and get an answer, instead I got both a discord & a game ban. Nobody informed me of what happened, and I would appreciate it if someone would help me to resolve this issue.



Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A


Featured Replies

  • Mountain Interactive CS Team

Report Status: REJECTED

Dear @inspiringnorthern,

Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. After careful review, we regret to inform you that your appeal has been rejected. The reason for this decision is as follows:

Reason: When I reviewed the proof that the Moderator regarded to your ban, you were automatically banned by the Bloxlink bot in the discord and I believe in-game due to Alternative Accounts (AA) Detected. Since an Alternative Account (AA) was detected, you were banned from all MI Platforms/Gameplay.

We encourage you to reflect on our community guidelines to ensure a positive experience in the future. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,
The Volunteer Moderation Team

Sam Phillips

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