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Apealling roblox username: flpotatllll
Appealing discord ID: 1129720483751927859

Ban Length: permanent
Moderating staff Member: oltzGTG
What game did the ban take place in: Perris, California.
Ban reason:
Why should I be unbanned: So first of all one of the reasons that I will start with of why I should be unbanned is that there is about 2 warnings that are false and I did not get a chance to appeal, I remember me getting reported with my friends for RDM and we were about 5 people 2 weren’t warned because we did not shoot and I was one of them 2 days later I get banned for LTAA and RDM guess for what scene? Yes, you got it right it is the scene that was ruled that I shouldn’t be warned in, another time was when I misclicked and shots some by mistake, and I still got warned for RDM, but for the scene where I got banned I ran 2 redlights and 4 officers were trying to stop me I drifted and crashed and about 20 seconds later the cops roll and glitch my car into the under world and they spam tase me and arrest me I call staff and disconnect they say their side of the story that I am not sure of afterwards staff rule out that I was in fault for NITRP, FRP, and Abuse of !Help, So since I didn’t get to see their part of the story they might’ve lied or edited the clip that I did not get to see if their was, so I’d like to get unbanned as I am not sure of what they said.

Additional users/witnesses: N/A


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Dear [ @flpotatllll ],

Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. We appreciate your engagement and willingness to communicate about this matter.

After a careful review of your case, we would like to extend an offer based on our One-Strike Policy. You must respond to this offer with I accept the one strike policy. This policy is designed to provide players with an opportunity to correct their behavior while maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all.

Your Offer:

  • Ban Lifted: Your ban will be lifted immediately, allowing you to return to the game.

  • One-Strike Period: This one-strike warning will remain in effect for [30 DAYS] from the date of this notice. During this time, we encourage you to demonstrate positive behavior and engagement with the community.

  • One-Strike Warning: This will serve as your official warning. Any future violations of our community guidelines may result in a permanent ban without further appeal.

  • Guidelines Reminder: We encourage you to review our community guidelines https://mountaininteractive.com/forum/7-information-guidelines/, as these outline the expected behavior within our community. It’s essential to respect these standards to ensure a positive experience for everyone.

We believe in second chances and hope that this opportunity allows you to demonstrate your commitment to the community. If you have any questions about the guidelines or how to avoid future issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you back into the game!

Best regards,
The Volunteer Moderation Team


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@flpotatllll You have 10 hours to reply otherwise your appeal will be automatically denied.


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