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📢 Game Update: Perris California Patch 1 | 12/1/2024 📢

Hello, Mountain Interactive Members!

We are excited to bring you the Perris California Patch, packed with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Below is a detailed breakdown of what’s new in the game:

🐞 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the issue where uniforms would bug out with your default clothing

  • Fixed CHP uniforms

  • Fixed inserts sometimes spawning upside down

  • Fixed an issue with the robbery dropoff

  • Map fixes

  • Fixed team passes not working

  • Fixed team bypass limit pass not working

  • Fixed USMS being unable to access MDT and Radio

  • Fixed USMS having no interior lights

  • Fixed app livestreams not streaming the world around the stramer

  • Fixed some USMS vehicles

  • Fixed some CHP vehicles

  • Fixed server location not showing in the lobby

  • Fixed holding guns with shaky hands

  • Fixed extreme gun recoil

  • Fixed NG spawning at the metro building

  • Fixed USMS not getting paychecks

⚠️ Known Issues:

  • USMS police tape does not work