Posted October 25, 2024Oct 25 My Ban AppealAppealing Roblox Username: mrobspyBan Length: PermanentModerating Staff Member: idk it did not sayWhat game did the ban take place in?:perris,californiaBan Reason: frpWhy I Should Be Unbanned: litterly all i did was reload my gun and i got banned like wutnote: i appealed before the website update i got approved and i accepted but the website updated before staff could respond, and plz unban i love this game
October 26, 2024Oct 26 Hello @lil_sebas967 ,After further review, your ban appeal has been denied. You used an insert for a team you were not on to access the roof. At that point, you then started a shootout with the cops. This is unrealistic and not allowed. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me via the website or Discord. Best Regards,TheRedactednessVolunteer Community Manager, Corporate[email protected]