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Roblox Username: Imbetterthanyou6172
Discord ID: 1186661777807769653


Staff Username: Starhunter_21

Discord Username or ID: Starhunter_21

Description Of the Incident: Ignoring me when I was talking to him. Banned me for 1 FRP moment. I Rped stealing his car, and he said it wasn’t rp when, I said -opens door- then I said -steal car- then he gets in the passenger seat and tells me to get out. Then we crashed and I did not Rp that which I said was 1 Frp moment. Then he jailed me for 1 moment of FRP. And gave me a 1 day ban that.

Committed Offenses: Frp

Time of Occurrence:11:35 CST.
Additional members involved/witnessing: Just me and the staff member.


This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length: Permanently
Ban Reason: Mass rdm on tyler_divison + multiple alt evasion on roblox and forums

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Greetings @Itsmenotyou

After reviewing your report and looking into the ban evidence on your moderation profile i’ll be rejecting this appeal. if you have any additional comments or evidences please, don’t hesitate to shoot me a private message.

Best Regards,

Council / Deputy Director of Internal Affairs

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