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  • Mountain Interactive Team



1. Format Integrity:
- Do not change the format, alignments, or colors. Keep it simple and as provided.

2. Reply Restrictions:
- Only the involved individuals may reply to their Ban Appeal thread. Unauthorized replies, including those from staff members, will be deleted, and warning points will be issued.

3. Personal Appeals Only:
- You may not appeal a ban on behalf of someone else, including forum bans. Discord bans cannot be appealed if you are permanently banned from any of our servers.

4. Support Comments:
- Support comments such as +support or -support are allowed, but they must be relevant and constructive.

5. Stay On-Topic:
- Always stay on-topic. Do not start other discussions or arguments that are not relevant to the Ban Appeal.

6. Discord Tag Requirement:
- Ban Appeals will not be processed if your full Discord Tag is missing.

7. Time-Frame:
- Your appeal can be denied based on a time-frame discrepancy. You should appeal within a reasonable time frame of when the ban was initially issued or when it transpired.

8. Evidence Hosting:
- For security reasons, we will only review/open evidence if it is hosted on one of the following platforms:
- Medal

- Streamable

- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Gyazo
- Imgur

CEO & Managing Director at Mountain Interactive

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