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My Ban Appeal

Appealing Discord ID (e. 1210497443985358858

Ban Length: Answer. Not sure
Moderating Staff Member: Bot

Ban Reason: Answer.grafik.png
Why I Should Be Unbanned: Answer.grafik.png Clearly u can see i misspeled my word im not sure if i got banned by a bot or a real player but this is not fair like how can someone get banned for having misspelings wow

Additional Members Involved/Witness pikachudetective100

Edited by Eriksson

Featured Replies

Hey, Eriksson,

My name is Rodrigo and I will be assisting you for today.

Unfortunately as stated in the ban reason, the only way to appeal this ban is by contacting support at @support.mountaininteractive.com due to safety reasons. If you do have any questions regarding this appeal, please feel free to contact me through this platform.


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