Posted November 25Nov 25 Roblox Username: John_Wick1768Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): arma3policemodsRoblox Username of the player you're reporting: Svendbob2Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional)Give us an Incident Description: I was standing, a police officer ran up to a black Ford Explorer and the driver got out, it was a guy in red and glasses, then he said move away monkey, which was addressed to me and started fighting and hitting everyone.What rules / offences did the player break: non rpHow long do you think the player be punished for: dismiss from the policeTime of Occurrence: 13:20Additional members involved/witnessing: idk Видео без названия — сделано в Clipchamp (4).mp4
November 25Nov 25 PLACED ON REVIEW Rodrigo B (v_nebr)Website Staff Lead & CouncilVolunteer Senior AdministratorSpanish & English Speaker
November 26Nov 26 Corporate Leadership Reviewal Note: User was not an actual cop, was wearing gear to appear as one. Mountain Interactive CorporateMountain Interactive Appeals Review Board
November 26Nov 26 Corporate Leadership REPORT ACCEPTEDThe user you reported has been moderated for 2 Days, users are not really allowed to put on full LAPD gear to appear as a police officer using roblox catalog items. Along with this the user attempted to RDM etc.. Thanks for your report. Mountain Interactive CorporateMountain Interactive Appeals Review Board