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Roblox Username: FirestoneParamedic
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): simonqc

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: SneakySupermaN75

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: sneakysuperman75.

Give us an Incident Description: Basically I was driving on perris main street, turning left to go to the FBI station after I just arrested a suspect. I was transporting him. Couple police car were running code 3 next to me. I stopped on a green light as one was approaching. Then he decided to pull me over on the overpass over the highway. I stopped. He told me I wasn’t driving a cop car, thinking he was only pulling me over for that I left. He then chased me after I clearly showed him it was one. Then he decided he would cuff me. Saying he was arresting me. With the suspect in the car still. The other cop next to me uncuffed me, and he cuffed me again. As soon as I got uncuffed I shot him as no staff would respond and I didn’t want it not to end. After that. He was not respecting NLR on the radio and abused his radio saying he would kill me. Not long after another officer called me on the scene of BOA and then he just decided to shoot me for no reason at all.

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What rules / offences did the player break:

FRP, Tool Abuse, RDM, Radio Abuse

How long do you think the player be punished for:

4 days

Time of Occurrence: 4:10 PM EST

Additional members involved/witnessing:

He pulled me over for “stopping at a green light” when there was litteraly cops running code 3 next to me.


Edited by FirestoneParamedic
Missing informations.

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Report Status: ACCEPTED

Dear @FirestoneParamedic,

Thank you for for submitting a player report to Mountain Interactive Moderation. After careful review, we are happy to inform you that your report has been accepted and will be addressed appropriately.

We encourage you to reporting any violations you see to ensure a positive game experience. Additionally, you can call for help in game using the !help command. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,
The Volunteer Moderation Team



Volunteer Administrator

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