Roblox Username: 54AT1C Discord ID 1141428106645737513
Staff Username: Valenzuela253
Discord Username or ID: valenzuela1022 848825615964307477
Description Of the Incident: There was a sru outside of the base patrolling, when I pulled him over and questioned why he was outside of the base he said he was getting gas. This is clearly v-sru as there is a gas station inside their base. A moderator, Valen, pulls up to me while I question it and says that I didn’t go after a car that ran a red light as I was tabbed out. I proceeded to call the staff because I did not know this person in the red Corvette was a staff member. It says successfully contacted staff because there were 2 other mods in the game at the time. So I use the acs heal menu to figure out his username. Even though there were 2 other mods in-game he failed to moderate this action as simply just drove off without going ff. He said he was not on duty but witnessed a broken rule and did not take any moderation action against said sru.
Roblox Username: 54AT1C
Discord ID 1141428106645737513
Staff Username: Valenzuela253
Discord Username or ID: valenzuela1022 848825615964307477
Description Of the Incident: There was a sru outside of the base patrolling, when I pulled him over and questioned why he was outside of the base he said he was getting gas. This is clearly v-sru as there is a gas station inside their base. A moderator, Valen, pulls up to me while I question it and says that I didn’t go after a car that ran a red light as I was tabbed out. I proceeded to call the staff because I did not know this person in the red Corvette was a staff member. It says successfully contacted staff because there were 2 other mods in the game at the time. So I use the acs heal menu to figure out his username. Even though there were 2 other mods in-game he failed to moderate this action as simply just drove off without going ff. He said he was not on duty but witnessed a broken rule and did not take any moderation action against said sru.