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D I S C O R D - A P P E A L

Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1273578743407050797

Ban Length: Permanent

Moderating Staff Member: Unknown

Ban Reason: Glitching

Why I Should Be Unbanned: I have already Appealed for the In-Game but i have not been Un-Banned in the MI Server. As ive said in my Last Appeal, i was not intending to glitch and i am truly sorry that i have done it. I should be on One-Policie at the Moment and ive not been Warned / Banned since that. I hope you forgive me and i hope that yall can Un-Ban me in the MI Server.

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Fraenkey80 (1232307987713097811)


Featured Replies

Hi, bedwars1223358.
There don't seem to be any active bans for the Discord server with the Discord ID you provided.
Please directly DM me through Discord to sort this out. [c9_gh0st]




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