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Example’s Suggestion:

Suggestion for: LA

My Suggestion:

there is already a bunch of murders in LA right so look I came up with a way to really utilize the court system a lot of work but it shall be fun when finished. So instead of brick walls for minutes on end when getting caught for serious crimes im thinking We add a character system where you can switch characters right but that’s only to prevent longer pain nd suffering for my next idea When getting caught for Serious crimes like murder etc. you should have the option to fight it in court nd this will also be a way to utilize the officers body cams more, so you can Bail out, or if you dont have the money sit nd wait for your lawyer, This will add a Lawyer/Judge/DA team nd give the sheriff a different patrol option if they want, your lawyer would bring a plea deal from the DA’s office nd you can either take it or fight it, if you choose to fight it your lawyer will schedule a time that works for you and him unless his a Public defender nd then it’ll just have to be in alignment with at least 2 Public defenders schedule and with that if you have to sit you can switch characters and still enjoy the game while that’s happening,

Why This Would Improve the Game:

The character system WILL opens a whole world of opportunity’s for Deadly Rp scenario’s and giving people the choice to ck their character and this will also offer the option for a jury later in the dev. this would also utilize the Court system giving more job opportunity’s Lmk if I explained it well and what everybody thinks, I believe this would take LA to the top. Might take a while to develop so I dont expect it any time soon but hopefully it’ll get added.

Edited by Perk 30

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