Posted November 14, 2024Nov 14 Roblox Username: scrambleuserDiscord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127):REPORTING CONTENTS:Staff Username: thomasmwshelby#0Discord Username or ID: thomasmwshelby#0Description Of the Incident: apparently i RDM someone but i had interaction in same life he cop made fun of my friend cop who is on the spectrum so i shot and killed him then the mod said the interaction was 53s long and not 60s long so i got banned for RDMCommitted Offenses: FIRST OFFENSETime of Occurrence: 6:10 PM IM THE ONE IN YELLOW#💬・general-main _ Mountain Interactive™ - Discord 2024-11-13 18-33-49.mp4Additional members involved/witnessing:
November 14, 2024Nov 14 Greetings @IMUNDERYOUlook After reviewing your staff report, I’ve concluded that this moderator isn’t in violation of any Staff Misconduct, and therefore this report will be REJECTED. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Best Regards, Council / Deputy Director of Internal Affairs