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My Ban Appeal

Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 514517287496318978

Ban Length: Perm
Moderating Staff Member: I dont remember the developers name

Ban Reason: Some petty arguement involving someone hoping that i get hit by a car
Why I Should Be Unbanned: Over the past year I have grew older by a year, in which I have matured and reflected deeply on this incident. After one year I feel remorse for any actions I have done in the past in which I have acted way below my age and it is shameful to see this in my memories. I wish to get unbanned so I can continue a new chapter with the new game as none of my perks seem to work and I hear stuff is whitelisted and need teamspeak which I have but cant access due to unfortunately my past which resulted in my ban over a year ago. I am hoping I can be forgiven and a chance to personally apologise to anyone I disrespected prior to my ban

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)

This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length: Permanently

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