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Appealing Roblox Username: JTPlayzRBLX2022
Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 328975185908727812

Ban Length: Perm
Moderating Staff Member: Unknown, banlist non-functional
What game did the ban take place in?: All MI Games

Ban Reason: Attached
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I am honestly extremely confused. I have zero idea what this is in relation to, as I haven’t done anything like this. I haven’t booted up a Mountain game in almost a year, and when I decide to, I am banned? I genuinely have zero clue what is going on.

I was banned from the discord around 2-4 years ago for “Being in a copy of mountain interactive” for being in a discord called “Mounterrain Development”, who did nothing in relation to what Mountain does.


Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A


Dear JTPlayzRBLX2022,

Thank you for bringing this ban to our attention and for submitting your appeal. We will hold your appeal for further investigation and review by our Moderation Team alongside the Corporate that had originally banned you. We appreciate your patience during this process, as we work to ensure the best experience for all our users.

Rodrigo. (v_nebr)

Website Staff Lead & Council

Volunteer Senior Administrator

Spanish & English Speaker

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