Appealing Roblox Username: Playsyea Appealing Discord ID 1119017569056198777:
Ban Length: permanently Moderating Staff Member: unlimitedrp#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Why should you be unbanned?: I was banned for RDM LTAP Team Abuse But in my ban clip it doesn't show LTAP but team abuse makes sense because killogs had me as SRU which is true,, but honestly I dont how to explain my actions I was being dumb and violating MI's rules, so I am greatfully sorry for my actions by rdming in perris california. But it doesnt show in the clip I ltapped which you can see in the ban log clip, although my charges equaled up to a perm ban which I am very sorry for I was just acting dumb and stupid I am very sorry for violating the rules, I hope this is good enough for a strike policy or something, since I don't really know what else to say except I'm sorry for being dumb and breaking the rules.
Appealing Roblox Username: Playsyea
Appealing Discord ID 1119017569056198777:
Ban Length: permanently
Moderating Staff Member: unlimitedrp#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Why should you be unbanned?: I was banned for RDM LTAP Team Abuse But in my ban clip it doesn't show LTAP but team abuse makes sense because killogs had me as SRU which is true,, but honestly I dont how to explain my actions I was being dumb and violating MI's rules, so I am greatfully sorry for my actions by rdming in perris california. But it doesnt show in the clip I ltapped which you can see in the ban log clip, although my charges equaled up to a perm ban which I am very sorry for I was just acting dumb and stupid I am very sorry for violating the rules, I hope this is good enough for a strike policy or something, since I don't really know what else to say except I'm sorry for being dumb and breaking the rules.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A