Ban Length: 1 Day Moderating Staff Member: f_ckkkk What game did the ban take place in? Perris
Why should you be unbanned?: As he also rdmed me although I did not clip this behaviour as I believed it was friendly, I have a witness who I'm unsure has discord so I'll just list their roblox user below.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: boynfriend12345678
Appealing Roblox Username: IscriptXD2
Appealing Discord ID: 859836881343741973
Ban Length: 1 Day
Moderating Staff Member: f_ckkkk
What game did the ban take place in? Perris
Why should you be unbanned?: As he also rdmed me although I did not clip this behaviour as I believed it was friendly, I have a witness who I'm unsure has discord so I'll just list their roblox user below.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: boynfriend12345678
Edited by IscriptXD2