Ban Length: Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.)
Moderating Staff Member: Answer. direwolf624
What game did the ban take place in? Answer LA
Why should you be unbanned? Answer. Because some dude got in my face did not back up I told him too he did not listen and I kept saying get out of my face get out of face and then it was a min or 2 and then I shot and killed him and then came back which is NLR and he kept messing with us earlier me and my friend m589811 so then I see him and then I get called by direwolf624 and I asked if he could bring m589811 and he said no I asked if they take witness and he said no and then he didn't let me talk at first then he listen and kept saying that y'all don't take witness but in the form it says u take witness the clip was only 22 secs so they could have edited the clip but I know for sure that it was for a min I was counting and then he walks away and then says alright bet that so then I thought he was going to shoot me so then I kill him and then my friend said oh shoot we got to go there is the ss of him say no to not taking witness. I promise I will never do it again he would not let me talk this is just a big misunderstanding this won't ever happen again I promise I love this game if I didn't, I would not be a subscriber I might even renew my membership. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer M589811
Appealing Roblox Username: god15686
Appealing Discord ID:
Ban Length: Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.)
Moderating Staff Member: Answer. direwolf624
What game did the ban take place in? Answer LA
Why should you be unbanned? Answer. Because some dude got in my face did not back up I told him too he did not listen and I kept saying get out of my face get out of face and then it was a min or 2 and then I shot and killed him and then came back which is NLR and he kept messing with us earlier me and my friend m589811 so then I see him and then I get called by direwolf624 and I asked if he could bring m589811 and he said no I asked if they take witness and he said no and then he didn't let me talk at first then he listen and kept saying that y'all don't take witness but in the form it says u take witness the clip was only 22 secs so they could have edited the clip but I know for sure that it was for a min I was counting and then he walks away and then says alright bet that so then I thought he was going to shoot me so then I kill him and then my friend said oh shoot we got to go there is the ss of him say no to not taking witness. I promise I will never do it again he would not let me talk this is just a big misunderstanding this won't ever happen again I promise I love this game if I didn't, I would not be a subscriber I might even renew my membership. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer M589811
Edited by sleepycythhh