Appealing Roblox Username: vikingwarrior2019 Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1173604139016650829
Ban Length: 1 day Moderating Staff Member: verteexx.#0 What game did the ban take place in?: LA, highschool
Why should you be unbanned?: Because I was falsely banned for being about of a scene, and while I was being banned they were breaking NLR. Witnesses: UniqueKillaYT
Appealing Roblox Username: vikingwarrior2019
Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1173604139016650829
Ban Length: 1 day
Moderating Staff Member: verteexx.#0
What game did the ban take place in?: LA, highschool
Why should you be unbanned?: Because I was falsely banned for being about of a scene, and while I was being banned they were breaking NLR.
Witnesses: UniqueKillaYT