Ban Length: Perm Ban. Moderating Staff Member: Doesn't say. Its just says I made an alt account to avoid another ban? What game did the ban take place in?: LA (los angeles)
Why should you be unbanned?: I am very confused on why I got banned, I've been with MI for around 1 month now and bought Plat which is very useful and very fun. I just don't understand why you guys though I made an alt account? There is some really good staff here and I really want to stay here with MI. It would mean the world to me if you guys unban me. I really don't make alts.
-Sincerely Vincentisvincent123
Additional Members Involved: No one.
This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length:
Ban Reason: Mass rdm on tyler_divison + multiple alt evasion on roblox and forums
Appealing Roblox Username: vincentisvincent123
Appealing Discord ID: 1186661777807769653
Ban Length: Perm Ban.
Moderating Staff Member: Doesn't say. Its just says I made an alt account to avoid another ban?
What game did the ban take place in?: LA (los angeles)
Why should you be unbanned?: I am very confused on why I got banned, I've been with MI for around 1 month now and bought Plat which is very useful and very fun. I just don't understand why you guys though I made an alt account? There is some really good staff here and I really want to stay here with MI. It would mean the world to me if you guys unban me. I really don't make alts.
-Sincerely Vincentisvincent123
Additional Members Involved: No one.
Ban Reason: Mass rdm on tyler_divison + multiple alt evasion on roblox and forums