Ban Length: 1 Day / 13 Minutes Moderating Staff Member: Answer. butterfringers#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Why should you be unbanned?: I felt both suspects were a threat and could harm people so i shot and killed the yellow and white guy after he killed my partner. and then killed the one who fled from the scene who i thought posed a threat cause i thought he grabbed the cops gun of the ground so i shot him also. and I were just following the fleeing felon law in witch if someone fleas i can shoot them if I think they are a threat. And if I did break any rules I will try my best not to repeat it again.
Appealing Roblox Username: Gigachad12346798
Appealing Discord ID: 950974914050002984
Ban Length: 1 Day / 13 Minutes
Moderating Staff Member: Answer. butterfringers#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Why should you be unbanned?: I felt both suspects were a threat and could harm people so i shot and killed the yellow and white guy after he killed my partner. and then killed the one who fled from the scene who i thought posed a threat cause i thought he grabbed the cops gun of the ground so i shot him also. and I were just following the fleeing felon law in witch if someone fleas i can shoot them if I think they are a threat. And if I did break any rules I will try my best not to repeat it again.
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