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Roblox Username: gamingpro2131
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 1016475792177365135

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: CertifiedGato & Check_Mate

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional)

Give us an Incident Description: I was at the S&K originally for another scene when CertifiedGato started firing rounds at a white crown vic because the guy in the crown vic "stole" the car, we did not do a whole lot about this but rather took action to try to help the citizens (CertifiedGato & Check_Mate), when we went to request to search one of the suspects for weapons after they killed the driver of the white crown vic which we made it clear we weren't going to take the weapons, one of the suspects refused before both suspects started firing multiple rounds at all officers on scene randomly till all officers were dead and then drove off from the scene.

What rules / offences did the player break: Mass RDM

How long do you think the player be punished for: 7 days at the minimum.

Time of Occurrence: 5:33 PM
Additional members involved/witnessing: ryykyoto & evanferrari16

Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jHFopKFrpnSBJsZvF/BCSnOBVNLkEs?invite=cr-MSxrakosMjA4Mzk4NzQzLA (more evidence is attached)





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I just noticed that the time is a bit off but thats because of timezone as another person collected the screenshots for me while I made the post.

Also now that i notice it, it was only CertifiedGato that was RDMing, however i still stand by the RDM on the other user as they did make the clear attempt as seen in the clip

Edited by gamingpro2131
Missing a few details

Report Status: REJECTED

Dear @gamingpro2131 ,

Thank you for submitting a player report to Mountain Interactive Moderation. After careful review, we regret to inform you that your report has been rejected. The reason for this decision is as follows:

Reason: They had a valid roleplay reason to shoot.

Please continue to send in player reports if you feel someone has violated any of our rules. Additionally, you can call for help in game using the !help command. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,
The Volunteer Moderation Team

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