Ban Length: Permanent I believe. Moderating Staff Member: This happened over a year ago no clue where I can view this.
Ban Reason: As stated I'm unaware of the reason. Why I Should Be Unbanned: I would love to be unbanned from the Mountain Interactive community discord because I believe over the past year I as a person have matured and changed my well being drastically. I as a user do know I can do better then what I've done before in the past I would love to be apart of the community to spread love throughout and enjoy the amazing game you guys have created.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: I remember it being big and I think Ash was involved and I do remember he took my side.
Appealing Discord ID:1197743412208734299
Ban Length: Permanent I believe.
Moderating Staff Member: This happened over a year ago no clue where I can view this.
Ban Reason: As stated I'm unaware of the reason.
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I would love to be unbanned from the Mountain Interactive community discord because I believe over the past year I as a person have matured and changed my well being drastically. I as a user do know I can do better then what I've done before in the past I would love to be apart of the community to spread love throughout and enjoy the amazing game you guys have created.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: I remember it being big and I think Ash was involved and I do remember he took my side.
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Edited by OfficiaITrey