Ban Length: 1 day Moderating Staff Member: wwindowserror#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Why should you be unbanned?: I should be unbanned because at the time of my actions there was a massive shootout at sk and I approached the car and it looked suspicious to me so I shot it not knowing if that person was one of the shooters, a police officer, or a innocent witness, and I didn't know if the shooting was still over. Sorry to the person I did that to but it was a misunderstanding, that's all I can say
Appealing Roblox Username:
Appealing Discord ID: 966107655682805801
Ban Length: 1 day
Moderating Staff Member: wwindowserror#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Why should you be unbanned?: I should be unbanned because at the time of my actions there was a massive shootout at sk and I approached the car and it looked suspicious to me so I shot it not knowing if that person was one of the shooters, a police officer, or a innocent witness, and I didn't know if the shooting was still over. Sorry to the person I did that to but it was a misunderstanding, that's all I can say
Edited by The_Legend
forgot add info