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Roblox Username: Takawtingin08
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 774777593819430933

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting :Unspeakable73823

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional)

Give us an Incident Description: I got killed by RPing, and he spawn camp me, then after he cuffed me he's gonna transport me and killed a cop and stole hes car, then i bailed out and drive away he killed me for no reason.

What rules / offences did the player break: Killing with out an Rp intension 2x

How long do you think the player be punished for: (Not sure)

Time of Occurrence: 8:58 PM (GMT+8)
Additional members involved/witnessing:  Nah i got clips!

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