Why should you be unbanned?: ive never broken any rules and i just bought titanium and i will read the rules over and make sure i wont break the rules again im sorry for breaking these rules i didnt know they were rules i was just being an idiot and "corrupt" but im hoping this ban is lifted so pls i willl read the rules i swear
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)
This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length:
Ban Reason: Known mass alter
Appealing Roblox Username: senpaii_ariii
Appealing Discord ID: 1336934853433884693
Ban Length: Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.)
Moderating Staff Member: velocity2coldd#0 (Please refer to Ban List for this information.)
What game did the ban take place in?: perris
Why should you be unbanned?: ive never broken any rules and i just bought titanium and i will read the rules over and make sure i wont break the rules again im sorry for breaking these rules i didnt know they were rules i was just being an idiot and "corrupt" but im hoping this ban is lifted so pls i willl read the rules i swear
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)
Ban Reason: Known mass alter