Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: aspringlaw1
Give us an Incident Description: Entrapment - Trying to get me to sell him a gun bc he told me he didnt have a license, FailRP - I get he's trying to arrest me but you can see in the video before he even sent the -cuffs- message in chat I was already behind the white shelfs so explain to me how he's allowed to cuff rush me, you can't send -cuffs- message while the person ur trying to arrest already moved away from you behind some shelfs. Crazy powergaming / failrp
What rules / offences did the player break: failrp/powergaming
How long do you think the player be punished for: 1 Month
Roblox Username: Shadofr9463
Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: aspringlaw1
Give us an Incident Description: Entrapment - Trying to get me to sell him a gun bc he told me he didnt have a license, FailRP - I get he's trying to arrest me but you can see in the video before he even sent the -cuffs- message in chat I was already behind the white shelfs so explain to me how he's allowed to cuff rush me, you can't send -cuffs- message while the person ur trying to arrest already moved away from you behind some shelfs. Crazy powergaming / failrp
What rules / offences did the player break: failrp/powergaming
How long do you think the player be punished for: 1 Month
Time of Occurrence: 2/6/25 10:50pm
Watch failrp - cuff rushing - aspringlaw1 | Streamable
Ban Reason: Alt of