Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1170468767822782534.
Ban Length: Permanent.
Moderating Staff Member: Unknown.
What game did the ban take place in?: N/A.
Why were you banned?: AA.
Why should you be unbanned?: Look, my account was banned somehow automatically and out of nowhere for no reason and it did not specify. So I alted to maybe start a new career on MI so that I could ignore that unreasonable ban because no one could do anything about it since it was roblox API. I need to say that I am remorseful of these actions and I have re-read the rules if you can give me a chance to atleast start a new career here on MI, I would be glad to take the opportunity. I did not know it can come to these situations and bad deeds just to start new campaigns is flawful against MI's policy, I have now learned that and I would like a chance. I was confused at first but now I know these policies.
Appealing Roblox Username: dtenmee1324.
Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1170468767822782534.
Ban Length: Permanent.
Moderating Staff Member: Unknown.
What game did the ban take place in?: N/A.
Why were you banned?: AA.
Why should you be unbanned?: Look, my account was banned somehow automatically and out of nowhere for no reason and it did not specify. So I alted to maybe start a new career on MI so that I could ignore that unreasonable ban because no one could do anything about it since it was roblox API. I need to say that I am remorseful of these actions and I have re-read the rules if you can give me a chance to atleast start a new career here on MI, I would be glad to take the opportunity. I did not know it can come to these situations and bad deeds just to start new campaigns is flawful against MI's policy, I have now learned that and I would like a chance. I was confused at first but now I know these policies.