Ban Length: 1 Day 18 hours Moderating Staff Member: dom.o23#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Parris
Why should you be unbanned?: I Have evidence that lead up to his situation he left the part out from what happened. He was speeding doing illegal u-turns blowing by cops and red lights. I already had a staff member (.danick.) check my video and said i was in the right and closed my ticket. my video proof is clear.
Appealing Roblox Username: SC0RPIO_Q
Appealing Discord ID:1071341195390881812
Ban Length: 1 Day 18 hours
Moderating Staff Member: dom.o23#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Parris
Why should you be unbanned?: I Have evidence that lead up to his situation he left the part out from what happened. He was speeding doing illegal u-turns blowing by cops and red lights. I already had a staff member (.danick.) check my video and said i was in the right and closed my ticket. my video proof is clear.