Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127):1287236312998346867
Ban Length: permanent . Moderating Staff Member: markiplier_..
Ban Reason: vtos. Why I Should Be Unbanned: I think that I was banned for uploading a picture to the general chat in discord, but I was not trying to violate your TOS, I was trying to help your community by reporting somebody that was breaking TOS. Inside the game, I had already made a staff report, but about 20 minutes passed and no staff came to help. That's when I decided to try and get an admin's help through discord, by posting what the person said which was against the TOS. I just got unbanned and I really don't want to ruin my reputation through this ban so whoever reads this appeal can you please understand my side of this? Thank you.
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127):1287236312998346867
Ban Length: permanent .
Moderating Staff Member: markiplier_..
Ban Reason: vtos.
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I think that I was banned for uploading a picture to the general chat in discord, but I was not trying to violate your TOS, I was trying to help your community by reporting somebody that was breaking TOS. Inside the game, I had already made a staff report, but about 20 minutes passed and no staff came to help. That's when I decided to try and get an admin's help through discord, by posting what the person said which was against the TOS. I just got unbanned and I really don't want to ruin my reputation through this ban so whoever reads this appeal can you please understand my side of this? Thank you.
Edited by jamal2341cool