Roblox Username: NNOZDE Discord ID : 956639008740487289
Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: redfox4756
Give us an Incident Description: This thing used a script to give me like 5000 thousand citations within the matter of 0.1 seconds, if that's not a script then idk how else he would do that unless like the citation GUI doesn't give you a cooldown or doesn't close whenever you issue someone a citation, he could of used a autoclicker but either way he is abusing citations
What rules / offences did the player break: Exploiting/Glitching/Abusing game mechanics
How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm ban
Roblox Username: NNOZDE
Discord ID : 956639008740487289
Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: redfox4756
Give us an Incident Description: This thing used a script to give me like 5000 thousand citations within the matter of 0.1 seconds, if that's not a script then idk how else he would do that unless like the citation GUI doesn't give you a cooldown or doesn't close whenever you issue someone a citation, he could of used a autoclicker but either way he is abusing citations
What rules / offences did the player break: Exploiting/Glitching/Abusing game mechanics
How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm ban
Time of Occurrence: 7:50PM EST
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