Ban Length: Unknown Moderating Staff Member: snipe_sniper
Ban Reason: Scammer Why I Should Be Unbanned: So first of all, i just typed "GIVING EVERYONE FROM THIS SERVER 10K ROBUX TYPE YOUR USER AND GAMEPASS FROM DMS" i did not ask for any password, email address or other account details it was a joke and i typed this to farm DM requests, i did not scam anyone in my life and i am not going to scam anyone, above my red line, Please unban me.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A
Please ensure you have thoroughly read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal. It is important to follow these guidelines closely to ensure your appeal is considered. Additionally, refrain from sending direct messages or harassing staff members about the status or outcome of your appeal. Patience and adherence to the rules are crucial in this process. - Okay.
Appealing Discord ID 1301558671708393517
Ban Length: Unknown
Moderating Staff Member: snipe_sniper
Ban Reason: Scammer
Why I Should Be Unbanned: So first of all, i just typed "GIVING EVERYONE FROM THIS SERVER 10K ROBUX TYPE YOUR USER AND GAMEPASS FROM DMS" i did not ask for any password, email address or other account details it was a joke and i typed this to farm DM requests, i did not scam anyone in my life and i am not going to scam anyone, above my red line, Please unban me.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A
Please ensure you have thoroughly read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal. It is important to follow these guidelines closely to ensure your appeal is considered. Additionally, refrain from sending direct messages or harassing staff members about the status or outcome of your appeal. Patience and adherence to the rules are crucial in this process. - Okay.