Why should you be unbanned?: Answer. I know it's glitching, you know, I admit to everything, but the only reason I was glitching inside the LAPD was to get aid I was injured, and no one else was helping me, so I went to the department. An officer went up to the garage and told me to glitch in, so when I did the glitch, he wasn't there anymore, and that's when the admin came up to me and told me to leave. I was leaving, and while I was leaving, he jailed me, I was respectful, I kept my manners, and I told him what had happened, wasn't mad I told him I was guilty buy I also was respectful.
Appealing Roblox Username: Kyslojofw
Appealing Discord ID 769296473484427324
Ban Length: Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.)
Moderating Staff Member: Answer. GDP_Maverick
What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. Los angles
Why should you be unbanned?: Answer. I know it's glitching, you know, I admit to everything, but the only reason I was glitching inside the LAPD was to get aid I was injured, and no one else was helping me, so I went to the department. An officer went up to the garage and told me to glitch in, so when I did the glitch, he wasn't there anymore, and that's when the admin came up to me and told me to leave. I was leaving, and while I was leaving, he jailed me, I was respectful, I kept my manners, and I told him what had happened, wasn't mad I told him I was guilty buy I also was respectful.