Ban Length: Answer: Unknown, wasn’t given to me Moderating Staff Member: ash.z
Ban Reason: VTOS Why I Should Be Unbanned: Answer. I know what I did was immature and against the rules, I shouldn’t have acted in the way I did, and I apologize for my behavior. I really like this community and feel like i should be given a 2nd chance. I am deeply sorry for how I acted and I won’t do it again. I furthermore ask to be unbanned from the LAPD and court servers as I need access to those servers as I am still an LAPD Officer. I really love this community and i enjoy playing it on the daily. I hope that you’ll grant me mercy and allow me to return and redeem myself, and again I apologize for my actions and behavior.
I have no evidence to attach to this. Also I was told by snipe to file a support ticket which I have already done.
Appealing Discord ID: 571356602817314816
Ban Length: Answer: Unknown, wasn’t given to me
Moderating Staff Member: ash.z
Ban Reason: VTOS
Why I Should Be Unbanned: Answer. I know what I did was immature and against the rules, I shouldn’t have acted in the way I did, and I apologize for my behavior. I really like this community and feel like i should be given a 2nd chance. I am deeply sorry for how I acted and I won’t do it again. I furthermore ask to be unbanned from the LAPD and court servers as I need access to those servers as I am still an LAPD Officer. I really love this community and i enjoy playing it on the daily. I hope that you’ll grant me mercy and allow me to return and redeem myself, and again I apologize for my actions and behavior.
I have no evidence to attach to this. Also I was told by snipe to file a support ticket which I have already done.
PO3 Jason Andrews, LAPD
Patrolman & LAPD Union President